Friday 15 November 2013

VMV Re-everything Cream Anti-Age Primary Treatment

At 24, I still feel like an adolescent not only because I'm young at heart but also because I continue to suffer one of the most (de)pressing concerns of puberty. I'm not getting any younger, and I literally see the need to save my skin before it's too late. Therefore this year, I've made a promise to my skin that I will be more attentive and caring to it.

My last dermatologist prescribed me her own concoction of 5% glycolic acid cream which I found to be harsh but must admit to be effective. I've also read the benefits of glycolic acid; therefore, in my search for a new skin care product to try on, I specifically required the ingredient glycolic acid. Luckily, I came across this.

The VMV Re-everything Cream Anti-Age Primary Treatment replaced the old VMV's Glykeros line. Another interesting fact about this product is that it is hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic thus gentle and safe for all skin types. These two characteristics help prevent acne, skin distress, rashes, itching, post-inflammations and hyperpigmentations.

One of the active ingredients of this product is glycolic acid which works as an exfoliating agent. It essentially breaks down dead skin, resulting to smoother and youthful skin. It also enables the skin to absorb moisture better.

This product claims to reduce fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of (photo) aging, promote cell rejuvenation and maintain skin's moisture and revitalization through its active ingredients of 5% glycolic acid, kinetin growth factor, green tea, rice phytic and virgin coconut oil. The product also advises for its slow introduction into the skin to achieve satisfactory results.

I have been using this product  with 4 others on my face and back for almost a month now, and I must say that my skin has definitely improved. What I particularly like about it is that it's very easy to apply. It's light-weight and not too greasy, making it suitable for oily skin. It has the right viscosity, and 1 pump is enough amount to apply on the face, neck and chest. Sometimes I use another 1 pump for my back. The smell is also not that bad; you can faintly yet distinctly smell the virgin coconut oil.

Furthermore, it is neither harsh, irritating nor stingy on the skin. I love how I can still put my make up on without worrying about any visible dry patches on my face. Unlike my old glycolic acid cream, this VMV product results to minimal flaking of the skin (sometimes none at all). I think it helps to slowly introduce the product into the skin. Right now, I use it only 3 times a day - every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

It costs PHP1790 ($80 at Nevertheless, I've practically used up only 1/3 of the bottle in 1 month so its still cheaper than a PHP1500+ monthly visit to the dermatologist (which doesn't include yet the doctor's medicines). I must say, this is one of those products that definitely gives you your money's worth. I am so amazed with this product that I can't wait to try the next step, the Advanced Treatment.

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