Friday 15 November 2013

VMV ID Anti-Acne Anti-Aging Face Chest Back Body Exfoliating Lotion

In reviewing VMV ID Sweat Acne and Overall Anti-bacterial Monolaurin gel, I did say I'll try VMV ID lotion next. VMV ID gel turns out to be an ineffective skin mattifier, but it greatly makes up for this shortcoming as an excellent anti-acne treatment. Therefore, I've decided to still try another product from VMV's ID line which boasts the same anti-acne treatment and more.


VMV ID lotion claims to "provide an active anti-bump, ultra-softening, light nourishment" on the skin. It claims to treat "acne, ingrown hair, chicken skin, shaving/waxing/plucking bumps and other folliculitis" through its main ingredients of salicylic acid and monolaurin. It also promotes skin exfoliation, minimizing wrinkles and softening rough skin. Hydrating the skin, the lotion moisturizes without clogging pores or adding shine.

Unlike the VMV ID gel, This product requires the same slow introduction to skin as the VMV re-everything cream. It may be applied onto face, neck, chest, arms, back, thighs and/or derriere except on mucosal areas of eyes, nose and genitals.

This product was put to the real test when I severely broke out after trying out this new face wash that didn't suit my skin. Once again, another VMV ID product did not disappoint in the ant-acne department; this one worked immediately and effectively. It even works better than benzoyl peroxide or my tretinoin-glycolic acid combo. Applying it on my inflammed and acne-populated face one night, by the next day, my skin became less swollen and painful, and the zits significantly reduced!

As regards its fight against chicken skin, bumps and other folliculitis, it helps reduce but not completely get rid of them. Anyway, I think it's also because I don't apply the lotion religiously on these sensitive areas since VMV does admit of its potent formulation; it requires regulated use after all.

Even if it's packaged as VMV ID gel at 120ml bottle, for PHP790 (or $30 at amazon), I think one can save up more with this product because less than 1 pump of this product (pea-sized dot) can already do wonders. More than a month has passed but the bottle is still practically full. Furthermore, it's easier to spread onto the skin, and it doesn't dry up fast.

Initially, I wasn't sure how to squeeze this product into my face care regimen; it seemed like it adds redundancy to the entire routine. Now, I know what's it for - it's my quick fix for acne! I may also use this on my back and newly waxed/epilated parts of my body to prevent other skin problems. This may also replace my VMV ID gel step in the morning.

I hope you find this product review informative! You might also like my reviews on other VMV products.

My Anti-Acne Face Regimen

In keeping with My 2012 New Year's Resolutions, I have spent days wandering the internet and malls in search for acne-fighting products to try on my face. Around this time, my face was a portrait of sleepless nights, physical inactivity and paramount stress, and no amount of make-up could hide the bumps and marks any longer. Although my dermatologist remains to be just a 15-minute drive away, I have been stubbornly insisting that I don't need to pay at the very least PHP1500 for new scars on my face. I know I can address my skin problems through less invasive ways, and no doubt about it, this i was able to do with a new skin care regimen I've been trying on for just 3 weeks!

  1. Neutrogena Deep Clean Facial Cleanser;
  2. Dickinson's Original Witch Hazel Pore Perfecting Toner;
  3. VMV ID Sweat Acne and Overall Anti-bacterial Monolaurin Gel;
  4. Stieva-A Forte 1mg/g (0.01%) Tretinoin Cream and
  5. VMV Re-Everything Cream Anti-Age Primary Treatment

In the morning, I use the first 3 products on my skin. In the evening, I use all of them except for the VMV Re-Everything Cream which I am currently using only every other day in accordance with the bottle's instructions.

The process and result might take longer than the usual, but I'm equally as happy with my skin as I'd normally be after visiting my derma sans the pain from pricking and the consequent scars. I've practically lost the big bumps on my forehead, cheeks and jawline with the redness and dark spots on my face and back gradually returning to my natural skin tone! My skin's texture has also improved and the oiliness has definitely lessened.

These five have got to be my favorite face care products to date! Unlike the medicines mixed by my doctor herself, these 5 are easier to apply. I no longer despise or feel lazy putting medicines on my face since these five products are neither harsh, irritating nor stingy on the skin.

I hope to continue seeing positive results! Will make my next skin report after another week or so!

Dermplus Triple Action Whitening Soap

Dermplus Triple Action Whitening Soap

Another item which i believe deserves a decent review is Dermplus Triple Action Whitening Action Soap. There's very limited information as regards this product, and I just felt it would be such a shame not to share how awesome it is.

The soap has 3 active ingredients - alpha hydroxy acid (glycolic acid), beta hydroxy acid (salicylic acid) and Arbutin which inhibits production of melanin. Arbutin is also said to stop free radical as well as sun damage.

This white soap has a mild, clean scent, and at PHP60, it's big enough to last me at least 2 months. As far as I know, its only available in Watson's stores.

I only use it for my body, leaving the soap on for at least 1 minute before rinsing it off. On most days, I use a loofah; the loofah helps get rid of the dead skin cells easily. However, I am confident to say that this is one of those few soaps that leave your body squeaky clean and oil-free whether you use a loofah.

I've been using the soap for 2 months now and I have noticed improvements on my skin. For one thing, I feel squeaky clean every after bath. Despite being a mere beauty soap, I don't experience any body odor whether I'm wearing a deodorant. I also rarely get pimples now, and the dark marks on my body have lightened. The tiny bumps at the back of my arms and thighs due to a skin condition (kerastosis pilaris) I have are barely there anymore, and although certain areas on my skin flake sometimes, it's nothing which a lotion can't fix.

D.I.Y. Remove Linkwithin Widget, Change Post's URL and Automatically Redirect to Another Blog

I swore to write about this topic after months of sleepless nights over issues with the Linkwithin widget. I hope this entry will help others who wish to get rid of this pesky application once and for all.

Linkwithin is "a blog widget that appears under each post, linking to related stories from your blog archive." Normally, it shows a list with 3-5 related blog titles linked to their respective addresses. If your blog post has pictures, the widget shows the thumbnail of the first picture and blog title of the said post.

It was a good working relationship with LinkWithin at the start. I installed the widget months ago, and it looked pretty on my old website. I liked the fact that as Linkwithin listed related topics from my blog archive, readers could just conveniently click away. Plus, it was free and ad-free; there was just a Linkwithin text at the bottom-right of the widget.

Ignorance is bliss.

One day, I published this blog post with pictures, and my Linkwithin widget picked it up right away. However, noticing how unattractive the photo which served as my post's thumbnail on Linkwithin, I decided to delete the original image from the actual post. Unfortunately, the unattractive photo was stuck on the widget. I tried to reinstall Linkwithin to no avail. I even sought help online and found this as a popular concern among Linkwithin users. I just ended up contacting Linkwithin team. In the meantime, I had no choice but live with this slight defacement of my site.

Several months passed, but I still didn't get any response from Linkwithin. By this time, I was also intending to change my blog's URL, keeping the site's template, layout and other contents unchanged. Unfortunately, I couldn't go through the entire process because of another issue with Linkwithin; it wouldn't update my old links with the new blog URL. Thus, all the Linkwithin links directed to inexistent posts. I tried to reinstall and later on remove it under the layout and template sections, but the widget still showed up on my site. Linkwithin's code was still embedded in the page source despite the fact that I already removed it from the layout and template sections. I have actually read over the internet a lot of complaints as regards this matter, and most of them could not fix it. Those few who found a solution for it received support from Linkwithin, but obviously, this was no longer an option for me.

Apparently, you can't edit your Blogger site's entire code under the layout and template sections. Therefore, when it's time to remove third-party applications like Linkwithin that secretly attach themselves to the uneditable part of your site's code, you just can't use the layout and template sections. You have to start your site from scratch, unless you have backed up your template prior to installing the Linkwithin widget.

Fortunately, I realized one way to go around this problem. Here are the steps to removing Linkwithin from your Blogger Site:

1. Back up template. Blog Page > Template > Back up / Restore > Download Full Template
2. Back up posts. Blog Page > Settings > Others > Export Blog > Download Blog
3. Take note of site's current layout, template and settings. This step will come in handy for Step 6.
4. Delete site. Blog Page > Settings > Others > Delete blog
5. Make a new blog. You may use the same Blog URL. Home > New Blog
6. Edit the new blog's current layout, template and settings.
7. Import posts. Blog Page > Settings > Others > Import Blog
8. Edit titles of posts in accordance with their old URLs. Fix symbols, eg. change (&apos) to (').
9. Publish all posts. Blog Page > Select all > Publish
10. Don't install Linkwithin ever again!

One word of caution is in relation to the information from your old site's stats section which cannot be backed up. Thus, information from your new site's stats section will start with zeroes. Personally, this is not a big issue as Blogger's stats section is not very informative and reliable. I actually use third-party applications of Topblogs, Sitemeter, and Statcounter where making a new site doesn't affect their previously recorded stats at all. However, this stat's section becomes important if you're using gadgets like "Popular Posts" that work based on the stats measured by Blogger.

Normally, Blogger will forever adopt the originally published post's title as the post's URL; subsequently changing a post's title will not affect the post's URL. Unfortunately, this D.I.Y. may result to broken links as some republished posts adopt new URLs. Therefore, if you're concerned about visitors finding broken URLs of your posts in search engines, here are some steps on how to change your posts' URLs:

1. Use your search engine to determine the problematic posts. Take note of their URLs. Remember the originally published titles become the URLs of your posts. Their URLs just don't use symbols except hyphen which represents space between words.

eg. Post title: L'Oréal Paris Hydrafresh Anti-Shine Icy Gel
Post URL:

2. If not yet published, change the post's title in accordance with its old URL and publish.

3. If published or step 2 does not work:
3.a. Open a text editor (such as a Notepad or Microsoft Word) and make one file containing all contents of problematic posts.
3.b. Delete all problematic posts.
3.c. Clear all browsing data and close your web browser.
3.d. Refer to saved file to make new blog posts. Change each of post's title in accordance with its old URL.
3.e. Change the date's day; leave the month and year the same. Publish.
3.f. Edit date's day to correct day. Publish.

Another small price to pay for deleting Linkwithin the unconventional way is dealing with your site's followers. This concern arises when you use a different blog address as I have done. To somehow alleviate the problem, you can automatically redirect your readers to your new blog address. Just follow these steps:

1.  Make a new blog. Use your old Blog URL. Home > New Blog
2. Edit site's code. Blog Page > Template > Edit HTML > Proceed
3. Find this code: <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
4. Add this code after: <meta content="0;url=http://NEW URL" http-equiv="refresh"/>

Being a neat freak, I now enjoy peace of mind after removing Linkwithin from my site. Now, I am very careful of the gadgets I add to my site; I make sure first that they can be easily removed before daring to install them. Also, I've realized the importance of backing up my template! Of course, I could have avoided all these inconveniences had I just backed up my site prior to making any changes.

I hope this post has helped you one way or another!

VMV Re-everything Cream Anti-Age Primary Treatment

At 24, I still feel like an adolescent not only because I'm young at heart but also because I continue to suffer one of the most (de)pressing concerns of puberty. I'm not getting any younger, and I literally see the need to save my skin before it's too late. Therefore this year, I've made a promise to my skin that I will be more attentive and caring to it.

My last dermatologist prescribed me her own concoction of 5% glycolic acid cream which I found to be harsh but must admit to be effective. I've also read the benefits of glycolic acid; therefore, in my search for a new skin care product to try on, I specifically required the ingredient glycolic acid. Luckily, I came across this.

The VMV Re-everything Cream Anti-Age Primary Treatment replaced the old VMV's Glykeros line. Another interesting fact about this product is that it is hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic thus gentle and safe for all skin types. These two characteristics help prevent acne, skin distress, rashes, itching, post-inflammations and hyperpigmentations.

One of the active ingredients of this product is glycolic acid which works as an exfoliating agent. It essentially breaks down dead skin, resulting to smoother and youthful skin. It also enables the skin to absorb moisture better.

This product claims to reduce fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of (photo) aging, promote cell rejuvenation and maintain skin's moisture and revitalization through its active ingredients of 5% glycolic acid, kinetin growth factor, green tea, rice phytic and virgin coconut oil. The product also advises for its slow introduction into the skin to achieve satisfactory results.

I have been using this product  with 4 others on my face and back for almost a month now, and I must say that my skin has definitely improved. What I particularly like about it is that it's very easy to apply. It's light-weight and not too greasy, making it suitable for oily skin. It has the right viscosity, and 1 pump is enough amount to apply on the face, neck and chest. Sometimes I use another 1 pump for my back. The smell is also not that bad; you can faintly yet distinctly smell the virgin coconut oil.

Furthermore, it is neither harsh, irritating nor stingy on the skin. I love how I can still put my make up on without worrying about any visible dry patches on my face. Unlike my old glycolic acid cream, this VMV product results to minimal flaking of the skin (sometimes none at all). I think it helps to slowly introduce the product into the skin. Right now, I use it only 3 times a day - every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

It costs PHP1790 ($80 at Nevertheless, I've practically used up only 1/3 of the bottle in 1 month so its still cheaper than a PHP1500+ monthly visit to the dermatologist (which doesn't include yet the doctor's medicines). I must say, this is one of those products that definitely gives you your money's worth. I am so amazed with this product that I can't wait to try the next step, the Advanced Treatment.

VMV ID Sweat Acne and Overall Anti-bacterial Monolaurin Gel

A month ago, my face was an unsightly landscape, but thanks to my anti-acne face regimen, my skin has somehow cleared up. Now, I say "somehow" because there'd still be days when I'd get too lazy or busy to complete my skin routine (sorry, 2012!). Nevertheless, despite these lapses, I'd still say my skin is happier than ever and totally loving VMV ID Sweat Acne and Overall Anti-bacterial Monolaurin Gel.

VMV ID Sweat Acne and Overall Anti-bacterial Monolaurin Gel

Two active ingredients of this product are 2% of glyceryl laurate (monolaurin) and beta hydroxy acid (BHA). Monolaurin is responsible for the product's anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral treatment while BHA specially fights acne problems; its oil-soluble characteristic is ideal for oily skin.

The gel formula feels cool and pleasantly stingy on the skin. It dries quite fast upon application so in putting the ID gel on your face, you might want to skip on the cotton and keep your distance from the electric fan or air-conditioner. You may also apply only a little amount on one small area at a time, but if you're in a hurry or a bit impatient like me, put a good amount on 2 fingers, leave dots on different areas of the face or back, then evenly spread all over.

I usually put this on my face right after washing it with my face wash and toner, but sometimes, I also apply it on my back and newly waxed areas of my body for its anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-protozoal properties.

I was actually choosing between this and the VMV ID lotion, but I chose the former since it claims to also mattify the skin for make-up. Unfortunately, this product has failed to keep my face shine-free, and it could probably be because I have really oily skin. This is a major product flaw for me because I primarily chose this product for its supposed mattifying properties.  Nevertheless, I still put this on to protect and prepare my skin against my make-up.

I use this product 2x a day, and have consumed 3/4 of the 120 ml bottle within a month's time. Failing as an oil-control gel and make-up primer, at PHP 670 (or $24 at  good for at least 1 month, it does seem a bit pricey to me for being a mere anti-acne gel. I love how it has cleared my skin, but next time though, I might get myself the ID lotion or some other product instead.

Cyleina Organic's Papaya & Goat's Milk Soap

Cyleina Organic's Papaya & Goat's Milk Soap and Rice Bran Soap

I've read positive reviews about Cyleina Organic soaps long ago, but I never had the incentive to check it out myself as I've already found satisfaction in my trusted Dermplus soap. Luckily, Cyleina Organic had a buy-1-take-1 sale at Watsons months ago. At PHP 65 for 2 soaps, it sounded like a good bargain. I therefore bought these 2 soaps and immediately tested what all the raves were really about.

Cyleina Organic Papaya & Goat's Milk Soap Packaging and the Actual Soap
Cyleina Organic Papaya & Goat's Milk Soap Product Description and Ingredients

The product lists papaya extract as one of its ingredients. Papaya has papain extract that breaks down proteins in dead skin, making it good for exfoliation. Moreover, Papaya is said to contain nutrients that prevent skin from becoming dry and brittle. It opens and cleans pores, reducing chances of breakouts.Papaya is also know for its whitening properties as papain "counters, but does not stop, the production of melanin."

Another main ingredient of this soap is Goat's milk which has "natural proteins that can kill acne-causing bacteria without removing the essential oils." These essential oils protect the skin and prevent pore blockage.
Cyleina Organic Rice Bran Soap Packaging and the Actual Soap
Cyleina Organic Rice Bran Soap Product Description and Ingredients

Rice bran is believed to "contain over 100 known vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, including gamma oryzanol, which is believed to impact pigment development." Rich in phytosterols, rice bran reduces skin inflammation; its enzymes also exfoliates skin, reducing blemishes but retaining moisture. It also has Vitamin E that fights free radicals and skin aging.

On the other hand, cocoa butter that is found in both soaps, "promote elasticity in the skin and will aid in the healing of chapped skin if it is used regularly. Some users might consider it beneficial for reducing or preventing stretch marks, scars or other skin blemishes."

I used these soaps alternately - one in the morning the other at night; sometimes, I used one soap for one day and the other for the next day. Nevertheless, I noticed that they easily dissolve in water so these 2 bars practically lasted for 1.5 months. I guess its because they are organic; therefore, I suggest cutting the soap in half.

Talk about organic, both soaps have strong scents. Surprisingly, the papaya soap smelled like caramel and not the usual papaya scent of most papaya soaps. The rice bran soap on the other hand, smelled like cocoa butter. Nevertheless, the scents don't stick to your skin; they can be easily washed away with water.

I used both soaps on my body only, letting each sit on my skin for 1 minute before rinsing. Most of the time, I used these with loofah since they don't make my skin squeaky clean and oil-free without the scrubbing (unlike my favorite soap). Sometimes, these soaps caused my skin to flake which proves that the soaps are really for exfoliation. They prevent body odor and blemishes most of the time, but as regards the papaya soap's whitening claim, I can't completely attest to it as I have not noticed any improvements to my skin after finishing both bars.

I haven't bought these 2 soaps ever since, and I was glad to switch back to my old soap, Dermplus Triple Action Whitening Soap. I felt that they were quite pricey for a 120 g soap that's quickly consumable. I also think Dermplus do better in cleaning, exfoliating and whitening my skin within the same period of time. Nevertheless, I don't mind trying out Cyleina Organics' other soaps. I have actually just bought its Tomato soap so read about it here soon!

VMV Illuminants Axillight Treatment Antiperspirant

VMV Illuminants Axillight Treatment Antiperspirant boasts an active pigment management that corrects and lightens hyperpigmentation of skin.

Another VMV product that I am currently in love with is its Illuminants Axillight Treatment Antiperspirant. I became a fan of its skin care products ever since I tried its Re-everything Cream and ID Gel, and reading a lot of positive reviews and recommendations about this antiperspirant, I decided to give it a shot.

As they say, the rest is history.

I have tried several brands before - Block and White, Human Nature, Milcu, Nivea, Rexona, Secret and Skin White just to name a few, but none of them really delivered. They failed one way or the other - as a deodorant, antiperspirant, anti-pigmentation or anti-irritation. In fact, most of these products have done more harm than good.

VMV strongly claims that it only makes validated hypoallergenic, comedogenic products, andexperiencing that for myself, I really recommend this product for those looking for a gentle yet effective deodorant and antiperspirant.

The brochure provides the product description, instructions and warnings.

It contains a lightening botanical complex from Swiss Alpine plants that inhibit  skin pigmentation. Green tea and aluminum chlorohydrate are responsible for your fresh and dry feeling all day.

It requires the same gradual application on skin as the Re-everything cream.

I have been using this product for 5 months already, and the bottle is still half-full. One spray can do wonders; sometimes I don't have to use it anymore! Spraying can be a bit tricky at first, but it becomes easy with time and practice. Moreover, unlike other sprays and roll-ons, this one quickly dries up; thus, there is no need to worry about shirt stains. It also does not leave any sticky residue, and washing it off your underarms is a breeze compared to other brands. There is no need to scrub it off hard with a loofah.

As regards its whitening properties, I cannot completely vouch for its anti-pigmentation claims. It seems to prevent hyperpigmentation, but for those in need of drastic measures, I'm not sure this product can completely whiten underarms on its own. Furthermore, this product can sometimes sting the skin, but it's not that terrible. The sensation disappears right away.

While most deodorants in local supermarkets are priced at around PHP 100, they only last for a month or so. On the other hand, VMV's antiperspirant is sold at PHP 800+ (or $35.00) and can last you a year. I'm never going back to those highly commercialized deodorants that are either ineffective and/or too harmful to my skin and health. With all the good stuff and pricing this product has to offer, I can say this is definitely one of my best investments! 

Revlon Colorsilk Luminista in 145 Burgundy Brown and Matte Suede Nail Enamel in 008 Powder Puff

I've been dying to color my hair again as soon as I colored it with L'Oréal Paris Excellence Creme in Medium Brown 5 months ago. I got disappointed because at PHP 555 (or $8.99), the dye was hardly noticeable on my black hair. I guess I should have been more daring and chosen lighter brown. Nevertheless, I still couldn't color it again as I also had hair rebond last December. I was afraid coloring it too soon would completely damage my hair.

For the past couple of months, I've been seeing Revlon's hair color products on sale in most Watsons stores around the Metro. Each box even came with a free Revlon nail enamel which retails at PHP 225 (or $4.99) if sold individually. I thought it was a good deal; at PHP 345 only (or $4.49), you already have new hair and nails! Nevertheless, I didn't buy right away since I felt I could use the money for more immediate needs like make-up or clothes haha!

However, one shopping day, I chanced upon this:

Actually, what caught my eye was the nail polish that came with the hair dye haha! I've always wanted a matte nail polish; plus, it was in a shade I've been looking for! I wasn't sure of dying my hair a grape color though; the idea freaked me out a bit. Unfortunately, there was no available hair color in light brown. Thus, I took a leap of faith and made an impulsive purchase yet again!
I didn't really conduct a skin allergy test, whoops! Fortunately, nothing bad happened to me, whew! However, during the waiting period, there was a brief and bearable stingy sensation on my scalp. I also got a bit of the product in my eye while washing the dye off my hair. I just immediately splashed water on my face and wiped it with a dry towel.

I also know the instructions say not to dye the eyebrows, but I did anyway to make the burgundy brown look more natural on me. I used a hair color brush and cotton buds to dye my eyebrows. I only allowed it to stay for 15 minutes and cleaned the dye off with moist cotton.
What's in the box? 1) Application Instructions; 2) Gloves; 3) Ammonia-free Colorant; 4)  Nourishing-After-Color Conditioner; and 5) Cream Color Developer.

The instructions are pretty easy. Firstly, don't wash your hair 24 hours prior to coloring. Also, wear an old or dark-colored shirt, and before you start making a mess, section your hair into 8 parts with pins.

Secondly, put on the gloves, and cut a small opening at the tip of developer bottle. Subsequently, pour the colorant into the developer bottle. Thirdly, cover the opening of the developer bottle with a finger and shake vigorously until the mixture in the bottle becomes violet. Now, using your gloved hands, apply the mixture per section of hair; start at those sections near your nape and work your way up. Make sure to color all strands as well as the roots; use a hair color brush/comb to spread the mixture on your hair if necessary. After the application, put on a shower cap and wait. While waiting, you may actually clean off the accidental dye stains on other parts of your body like back, nape, ears, forehead, etc. with water and towel.

To wash it off, start by massaging your hair in warm water; then, rinse until the mixture is completely removed. Apply the conditioner ,wait for a few minutes and then rinse. Squeeze out all the water from your hair and let it dry naturally.
My hair color before (in broad daylight): It was an uneven mix of black and brown; it had been 5 months since I last dyed my hair after all.
My hair after (in broad daylight): It took me around 30 minutes to completely apply the hair dye, and for someone who has thick, medium length hair, I was surprised that I still had more than enough of the mixture. Nevertheless, I threw the excess away because I can't keep and reuse it. I waited for another 30 minutes before rinsing.

I actually panicked while rinsing because my hair became rough, tangled and clumpy. I feared I left it for too long and consequently, fried my hair. However, putting on the conditioner felt divine. It instantly made my hair soft and smooth despite using only 1/3 of the sachet.
My hair the next day (in broad daylight): I skipped the shampoo and washed my hair with the Nourishing-After-Color Conditioner only for  the first 2 days. On my second day of being burgundy brown, I think the color has become more evident.

As for the nail polish, it's still amazing even though the sheerness of this shade made application tricky. It's also not as matte as I expected it to be. Under white light, it has a light lavander sheen. Nevertheless, I love how 1 or 2 coats of it made my nails look clean and naturally healthy; 3 coats gave a pearly white sheen. It blends well with my skin, as well as those with fairer or darker skin.
D.I.Y. Hair and Nails!

I love my new hair and so does the bf! I'm glad that this is one of those successful impulsive purchases! The burgundy color is not as funky as I thought; It is subtly noticeable in the light. Yellow lights aren't too hard on my new hair either; the brownness just becomes emphasized which is what I've always wanted. Now, I want to color my hair again because I'm so pleased with this product; I got my money's worth and more - a fabulous nail polish! I'm actually thinking of stocking up with more hair and nail colors while the sale lasts haha!

Stieva-A Forte Tretinoin Cream

Tretinoin was one of those medicines prescribed to me by my last dermatologist, and I see why. It really helps clear my skin and reduce future breakouts. However, I sometimes hated applying it on my face because it would sting and irritate my skin. During those days, I'd skip on it until my skin recovers, but in a lot of instances, I'd end up discontinuing it for fear of experiencing the pain all over again. I'd later on regret discontinuing it though as acnes reappear on my face so I'd restart on it, hate it again, hate myself for hating it, and so on. It's a vicious cycle.

Since I've vowed never to visit any dermatologist this year, I needed to find alternatives to the medicines I used to get from my previous doctor. Tretinoin was one of the medicines I decided to keep in my skin care regimen, and fortunately, companies like Stiefel make tretinoin creams available in local drugstores.

I buy my Stieva-A (by Stiefel) from Mercury Drug at PHP 555. I only get the 1mg/g (0.01%) as that was the dosage my last doctor would prescribe to me. Surprisingly, despite using the same dosage, Stieva-A neither stings nor irritates my skin unlike my doctor's own concoction. Now, it's painless to use tretinoin on my face everyday. The cream also glides easily and vanishes quickly.

As a keratolytic, Stieva-A is an effective treatment for acne that involves overgrowth of skin. It softens the skin and makes other skin care products effective, promoting healthier and younger looking skin. In fact, I use this together with VMV Re-everything Cream that has 5% glycolic acid, and they do an incredible job keeping my skin smooth, supple and blemish-free.

My last dermatologist would prescribe tretinoin cream at 0.01% and glycolic acid cream at 5% to me. However, I have read conflicting views about this prescription. Dr. Bailey says its perfectly fine to use both products at the same time as they are very effective against sun damage and aging of the skin. On the other hand, Dr. Schultz argues that an unfavorable chemical reaction takes place when Alpha Hydroxy Acids (ie. glycolic acid) and Beta Hydroxy Acids (ie. salicylic acid) weaken tretinoin's molecular make-up. He therefore suggests to at least use one product in the morning and the other at night. Dr. Bailey admits though that "only people with really tolerant skin can combine tretinoin and glycolic acid therapy" so I guess it really depends on your skin type. Thus, It is definitely better to ask your dermatologist first about it.

One word of caution though is to avoid sun exposure after using it; therefore, I only use it at night. Also, avoid excessive application and contact with eyes, mouth, mucous membranes and folds of the nose. If pregnant, skip this product altogether. Please take note of the ingredients of your other beauty products as well and check whether they can work harmoniously with tretinoin. Finally, one useful tip from my dermatologist is to use tretinoin at least 1 week before you have your facial treatment as it helps loosen up the skin, making it easier to pop out those zits.

Garlic Pizza Bread

Flour                            2 cups
Salt                              1/4 tsp
Instant yeast               2 tsp or 1 tbsp
Grinded Sugar            1 tsp
Oil                                 2 tbsp
Dry milk powder         2 tbsp
Luke warm water       as required

Ingredients For Filling
Garlic paste                          1 tbsp (freshly grinded)
Dried Parsley (chopped)    1 tsp
Paprika powder                    1/2 tsp
Oil                                            to brush

-       Mix together flour, salt, yeast, sugar, oil, milk, and knead to form smooth dough with luke warm water. Apply some oil in a bowl, and leave the dough in it covered for 30 minutes to rise.
-       Spread dough in a well greased 10 inches pizza plate.
-       Now brush some oil about 1 tsp on this spread dough. Brush with garlic paste. Sprinkle parsley and paprika powder.
-       Bake in a pre heated oven for 15 minutes on 200 degree, remove and cut into wedges and serve.

Pulao Biryani

For chicken
Chicken                                    1 kg
Water                                       8 cup
Ginger                                       1 inch piece (cut big pieces)
Garlic                                        12 cloves
Onion (sliced)                            1
Salt                                          1 tsp
All spices (garam masala)          1 tbsp

Boil the chicken with above ingredients. When half done, then strain it. Discard all the remaining ginger and garlic that is left. When the chicken is boiled, the chicken stock remains about 6 cups.

Cook rice in that 6 cups of stalk (cook the rice in same manner as you cook for biryani, on high flame). If you feel that stalk is in excess then drain it, otherwise the rice gets fully cooked in this chicken stalk.

For Masala:
Rice                                                      750 grams
Oil                                                        1/2 cup
Ginger and garlic paste                           2 tbsp
National Bombay biryani masala             1 packet
Brown onion                                          1/2 cup
Tomato                                                 1 (slices, cut rings)
Coriander and mint leaves                       1/2 cup
Yogurt                                                   1 cup or 1 pao
Green chillies                                        6,8
Yellow color                                           a pinch
Kewra                                                   1 tsp

In oil, add brown onion, ginger garlic paste and sauté it. Then add green chillies and national Bombay biryani masala and water (about half cup), and stir it, then add boiled chicken and cook it. Now add yogurt, the chicken will get cooked in yogurt water.

Now in a big wok, make one layer of rice, then spread the chicken masala over it, and also put tomato slices, coriander and mint leaves on it, then cover it with another layer of rice. In the end add kewra water (kewera + yellow color), sprinkle brown onion and 2 tbsp of ghee or oil on it. Keep it on high flame for 5 minutes and 10 minutes on low flame.

French Toast

Bread slices      2
Egg                     1
Milk                     1 cup
Sugar                 4 tbsp
Oil                       4 tbsp

-         In a bowl, add beaten egg, milk and sugar. Beat together until all ingredients are well combined.
-         Dip bread slices in the mixture (do not over coat bread slices with mixture) and fry in hot oil on medium oil.
-         When both sides of bread color changes to nice golden brown, French Toast is ready to serve.

Nauratan Vegetables by chef Shireen Anwar

Spinach (palak)                                  2 cups (chopped)

Potato                                                   1 (cut into cubes)
Green beans                                       1 cup
Brinjal                                                    1 (cut in cubes)
Carrots                                                  2 (cut in cubes)
Tomatoes                                             4 (chopped)
Peas                                                      1/2 cup
Cauliflower (phool gobhi)                  125 gm
Turmeric powder (haldi)                    1/2 tsp
Salt                                                         1 tsp heaped
Cumin seeds (zeera)                         1 tsp
Chili powder (lal mirch powder)       2 tsp

Ingredients for Baghaar
Oil                                                        1/2 cup
Red chili whole (sabut lal mirch)  6
Cumin seeds (zeera)                      1/2 tsp
Fenugreek seeds (methi daana)  1/4 tsp

-       Cut all the vegetables in cubes, put in a pan with 1/2 cup water, chopped tomatoes, salt, chili powder, turmeric and cook till vegetables are tender,
-       Heat oil, add fenugreek seeds, cumin seeds and whole red chilies, add this baghar to the prepared vegetable mixture, mix well, simmer (dam par rakh day) for 10 minutes.

French Fries by Chef Shireen Anwer

Potatoes                                     1 kg
Salt                                              1 1/2 tsp
Corn flour                                   hand full
or rice flour
or refined flour (Maida)

(French fries becomes more crispy, if we apply rice flour)

-       Peel and slice potatoes in medium size fingers, soak in salted water, boil till half done for 5 minutes.
-       Remove and add handful of corn flour or rice flour to coat well and allow it to cool.
-       Heat oil; deep fry them on high flame till crisp and golden, serve with different sauces.